Skip the Sunday Scaries With These Resources
Sundays are supposed to be easy, not scary. Life and Career Coach Elena Stewart shares tips on keeping things chill.
If Sundays have you stressing out over the Monday that’s soon to come, there’s hope. Instead of spending your weekend in a bundle of anxious nerves, banish those Sunday Scaries. Checkout these resources for minimizing stress and maximizing an enjoyable weekend.
Decompress on Friday
When you finish with work or school on Friday, the first thing on your to-do list should be relaxation. Find ways to decompress before the weekend truly starts, so you’re sufficiently relaxed to enjoy your free time.
● Head outside and get in tune with nature — or at least, out of tune with work and/or technology.
● Decompress with a glass of wine—Wine LALA offers tips on all things wine.
● Do a quick meditation to re-ground yourself.
Spend Saturday Staying Busy
Instead of anxiously awaiting the arrival of Sunday and then Monday, spend your Saturday staying busy and productive in relaxing ways.
● Start moving your body so you’re tuckered out (in a good way).
● Enhance your motivation for fitness (or cleaning house) with a new pair of headphones.
● Pick a productive hobby to embrace that helps you feel accomplished.
Get Ahead on Sunday
Though stress can rear its ugly head on Sunday, after a refreshing weekend, you can approach Monday with a cool head. Start taking steps to prep so that Monday morning doesn’t take you by surprise.
● Check your calendar and schedule some weekday downtime.
● Lay out your clothes for the week.
● Prep a healthy and simple lunch for work or school.
Avoiding the Sunday Scaries actually starts on Friday, which may sound like a bummer. But being proactive about your fear of Monday can help you have a more enjoyable weekend. In no time, you’ll start looking forward to your weekend routine and the Monday that follows.